Animal Management Level 3 (Middlesbrough and Saltaire Course)

Animal Management Level 3 (Middlesbrough)

This course covers a wide range of animal related modules with a strong focus on the biology, health, welfare and husbandry of animals in the first year and a greater emphasis on wildlife and conservation in the second year.

Course Details

  • Department

    Animal Management
  • Qualification

    Level 3
  • Course Type

    Full Time
  • Length

    2 Years
  • Location(s)


Course at a glance

The Animal Management courses at Middlesbrough and Saltaire focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and experience required to work with a wide range of animals in the animal industry through both theory and practical teaching.

Entry Requirements


4 GCSEs at grade 4-9 including 2 from English, Maths or Science with at least a grade 3 in the remaining subject. Alternatively, a suitable Level 2 vocational qualification (Merit or above) with English and Maths at Level 2

Cost for students aged Under 19


for students over the age of 19 please contact us


Key Information

Course themes include how to care for, handle and manage a variety of animals, understanding animal health and how the animal body works. Students will also cover nutritional and accommodation requirements, behaviour and communication, exotic care and welfare, wildlife rehabilitation in addition to a specialist project. There are lectures, talks from guest speakers, visits, practical sessions in the colleges Animal Unit and work related experience. Students’ work is assessed continually throughout the course through formative assessment, assignment-based modules and summative exams.


Middlesbrough – Stewart Park

Middlesbrough campus is situated within Stewart Park, a 120 acre landmark within Middlesbrough which consists of mature woodland, arboretum and lakes. The college campus is within ‘Central Lodge’ – a Victorian stable block recently renovated through Heritage Lottery funding to transform it into an educational hub and home to a range of animals from livestock to reptiles and domestic mammals.

If you are a full-time student you are required to study up to 22 hours a week. These hours are made up by vocational animal modules, duties on the animal unit, student appraisal, employability and functional key skills. Between time-tabled hours there will be the opportunity to work on assignments and exam preparation. Students are also required to undertake work placement each academic year through an external provider.

Year 1

Health and Safety
Work Related Experience
Animal Health and Husbandry
Animal Feeding and Nutrition
Animal Behaviour and Communication
Biological Systems
Animal Welfare and Breeding
Exotic Animal Health and Husbandry*
Small Animal Rehabilitation*
Pet Store Design*

*Diploma students only

Year 2

Pet Store Design*
Animal Nursing*
Pet Allied Services*
Kennel and Cattery Management*
Business Management*
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation+
Specialist Project+
Wildlife Management and Rehabilitation+
Estate Skills+
Zoological Collections
Exotic Animal Health and Husbandry

*Diploma students only
+Certificate and Diploma students


4 GCSEs at grade 4-9 including 2 from English, Maths or Science with at least a grade 3 in the remaining subject.


Alternatively, a suitable Level 2 vocational qualification (Merit or above) with English and Maths at Level 2


Upon successful completion of this course students may progress onto a Foundation Degree in Animal Management, a Degree in a related subject such as Behaviour, Welfare, Animal Conservation, or Animal Science, or directly into work within the animal industries.

Progression and Development Sessions:

All students enrolled on a Level 2 or Level 3 course will be required to attend Progression and Development sessions every week. These sessions will cover a wide range of topics from careers and employability, British Values and equality and diversity to essential life skills such as mental health and wellbeing, drugs and alcohol and personal safety.


Potential Career Pathways:

> Kennel/cattery worker
> Pet store assistant
> Welfare charity worker
> Dog groomer
> Trainee veterinary nurse
> Animal care technician
> Animal rescue centre staff
> Trainee zookeeper
> Zoologist
> Animal conservationist
> Ornithologist
> Research associate
> General worker (zoo)
> Assistant warden
> Wildlife assistant
> Quarantine establishment
> Animal trainer
> Dog grooming assistant
> Animal welfare officer
> Lab technician

Work experience is a vital part of gaining further skills, knowledge and experience to help you progress in the animal industry, due to this, work experience is an important part of the course. We ask learners to attempt to source their own placement. This can be anything animal related such as a pet shop, groomer, farm, wildlife trusts, animal attractions and many more. If you do struggle to source a placement or have any issues along the way, we have a dedicated employability team who will be able to assist throughout the duration of the course.




On the level 3 Animal Management course, students are to complete a minimum of 150 hours in their first year and 315 hours in their second year of study. (Some students may opt to complete the 315 hours in their first year, this will be discussed during induction)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required on the course. This does not need to branded or have a logo, so you are welcome to purchase these from a retailer of your choice.

Please feel free to contact us with any possible questions regarding PPE.


Student Stories

Siobhan’s Story

“Askham Bryan College is a fantastic college. It has been a pleasure learning here. All the tutors are willing to go above and beyond to ensure you have the best knowledge possible. I would recommend this college to anyone wanting to become a Registered Veterinary Nurse. ”

Ryan’s Story

“Choosing the level 3 Arboriculture course was a big decision being a 31-year-old self-employed landscape gardener. I am now at the end of my first year and there is no looking back. I have come on leaps and bounds professionally. I have already expanded my business into arboriculture with the skills and knowledge I have learnt. Askham Bryan College has been an eye opener and I've learned skills that I will take through my entire life.”

Ellie’s Story

“I chose Askham Bryan College because I liked what the course covered especially Anatomy & Physiology and Coaching. I enjoy taking part in training and I am hoping to go on to further coaching courses in football at University. The course is great to prepare me for this career.”

Askham Bryan College Video