Customer Services - Policies -

Customer Services

Complaints Policy 2023 – 2025 (updated)

FE Complaints Stage 2 Formal Complaint Form 2023 – 2025

In the first instance, the College will try and resolve any complaint informally. Attempts will be made to try and resolve the matter locally with the department or with the relevant course manager or member of staff.  If an informal resolution is not possible, then the complaint can be escalated to Stage 2 using this form.

HE Students Complaints Policy 2024 – 2026

HE Student Complaints Stage 2 Formal Complaint Form 2024 – 2026

Prior to completing this form, you should report your concern informally to your Module Tutor, Course Manager or Curriculum Leaders/Managers. This form is designed for use at the Formal Stage of the HE Student Complaints Policy. Please ensure that you have read and understood the process before completing this form.



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