Student Finance | Askham Bryan College

Student Finance

University Centre Askham Bryan will be as supportive as it can be to help you manage your finances in relation to your studies and associated subsistence costs.

Askham Bryan College will be as supportive as possible to help you manage your finances in relation to your studies and associated subsistence costs.

There are costs associated with studying and you will be advised of these during the application process and again prior to enrolment. The fees you will be charged will relate to government guidance on funding. You can find out more by viewing our fees information and programme specific costs below.

Students should feel confident that the College will provide open and transparent advice and guidance regarding scholarships, bursaries and hardship funds that you may be eligible to apply for. If in doubt, please ASK!

For more detailed information please contact the HE Team by calling 01904 772358 or by email


Financial Assistance

Students studying a Higher Education programme may have two main costs – tuition fees and living costs.

For guidance on budgeting for students please visit – Student Budgeting And Money Management Tips | UCAS









Student Loans and Grants

Financial help is available in the form of Student Loans and Grants (from the Government), bursaries and scholarships. The amount you will be eligible for depends on your individual circumstances. The website provides guidance on eligibility for fees loans, maintenance loans and grants and any additional funding routes available to support study. Students that have identified support needs can also access information around the DSA application, details of assessment and allocation of funds processes. This can be found on the website. There is a limited bursary fund available which is allocated automatically based on individual student profiles as per our Access and Participation Plan – more information on this can be found here.

Future of Student Finance for HE Study – Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE):

Please note, from 2027 the way student finance is overseen and distributed by the existing Student Finance England (SFE) arrangements will change to a Lifelong Learning Entitlement. The Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) will transform the post-18 student finance system in England. From January 2027, students will be able to apply for LLE funding for the first time for courses and modular study –Find out more here.

UCAB Bursary 2025/26

Eligibility (applicable for new students enrolling 2025-2026 academic year)

Fully enrolled students who are one of more of the following:


Males from IMD quintile 1 and 2 postcodes.

Identify as Black, Asian, mixed, or other ethnicity.

Students who have postponed their studies are not eligible during their period of postponement.

Students must have at least 80% attendance to their programme of study during each academic year.

Amount Available

Up to £750

Amounts would be confirmed with the students during Semester 1 of each academic year.

Bursary will be paid in two instalments across the academic year.

How is the support allocated

Automatically allocated based on information provided to the College at enrolment.

There is no application process, eligible students are contacted by Academic Services.

Hardship Fund


Limited annual fund for students who find themselves in financial hardship during the academic year.

Fund is open to all enrolled students who can demonstrate hardship with priority given to students with target characteristics (IMD Q1-2, care-experienced, reported disability).

Amount Available

Emergency Essentials Voucher £25


Up to £250 per application (max. £500 per academic year)

How is the support allocated

By application by contacting


Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)

You can apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) to cover some of the extra costs you may have due to a mental health issue, long term illness or any other disability. You will need to provide evidence of your condition such as a letter from your doctor or a specialist to support your application. You can apply at any time before or during your course, and how much you get does not depend on your income.

DSA can provide the following help to students, specialist equipment allowance, helpers allowance, general students’ allowance and travel allowance.

  • You can get the DSA on top of your other student finance.
  • You won’t have to pay it back.
  • How much you get depends on your individual needs and not your household income.

If you have applied for a course at one of our centres and would like any further information or help applying for DSA, contact the Learning Support Office on 01904 772339 or alternatively there is an information guide on the DirectGov website.

Parents’ Learning Allowance

You may be eligible for help with your learning costs if you’re a full-time student with children. This is called Parents’ Learning Allowance.

How much you get depends on your household income.

The allowance:

  • does not have to be paid back
  • is paid on top of your other student finance
  • will not affect your benefits or tax credit

Adult Dependants’ Grant

If you’re a full-time student in higher education and an adult depends on you financially, you can apply for an adults Dependants’ Grant of up to:

• £3,545 for the 2025 to 2026 academic year
• £3,438 for the 2024 to 2025 academic year

The grant:

  • does not have to be paid back
  • is paid on top of your other student finance

Childcare Grant

You may be eligible for help with childcare costs if you:

Are a full-time higher education student and have children under 15, or under 17 if they have special educational needs.

  • You can get the childcare grant on top of your other student finance
  • You won’t have to pay it back

Childcare Grant Overview

ELCAS funding for members of the Armed Forces

If you are a current or former member of the UK armed forces then you may be eligible for ELCAS funding. We are an registered provider for the Ministry of Defence Enhanced Learning Credit Scheme (ELCAS) for armed forces personnel.

Please check the ELCAS website for full details of the courses available that may be funded under this scheme or contact your Education Officer. If you are seeking (or have gained) ELCAS funding, please mention this when you make your application to the College or via UCAS.

If you are considering applying for ELCAS funding, we recommend applying for this funding at least three months before you intend to start your studies.

Additional Programme Costs

Find out more about specific programme costs and other potential charges – link

Tuition Fees

Please note: fee information is correct as at the time of issue; but can be subject to change following changes to national guidance.

Fee Summary 2024-25

Fee Summary 2023-24.

Please refer to our tuition fee policy for further information, including terms and conditions – Higher Education – Policies and Guidance

Individual Module Fees

Students studying by individual modules will be charged £1,500 per 20 credit module and £3,000 per 40 credit module.

2024/2025 Academic Year Students

Students restudying a module as part of their main programme or undertaking a partial year repeat, will be charged at £600 per module.

Restudy (Module or Full Programme from Sept 2025)

The cost of re-studying modules (with requirement to attend classes), as part of a ‘restudy’ year, is based on the credit value of the modules, on a pro-rata basis, in relation to the full-time course fees and is dependent on the student’s year of entry and home fee status. If a student is required to restudy all modules within a restudy year, then full-time course fees will be applicable.

Reassessment Fees

The cost of resitting the assessment of a module, having failed it at first attempt, and without restudying the module as a whole i.e. with no requirement to attend classes, is £100 for students who have not made a ‘reasonable attempt’, regardless of course, year of entry or fee status. Please note that Student Finance, where applicable, will not cover these fees and the student will be liable to pay these directly to the College.

Financial Liability for Students who withdraw from their studies

Depending on when you withdraw from your studies, there may be implications of the cost of your tuition fees and the loan you are entitled to. It is recommended you should check your liability with your relevant Student Finance provider to confirm how much you will owe prior to withdrawing.

Financial Liability for students who postpone their studies

There may be financial implications in relation to postponing your studies that you need to be aware of. You should speak with the College Student Finance and Welfare Officer for guidance and contact your relevant Student Finance provider to check your financial liability prior to postponing your studies.


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