Inclusive Learning -

Inclusive Learning

The College works hard to ensure everyone has the support they need to learn, achieve and enjoy college life.

If you are considering studying at or have applied to Askham Bryan College and have SEND needs, please let us know as soon possible so that the College can make the reasonable adjustments required to help you.

All learners who apply to study at College and declare a SEND need will have a conversation with a member of Inclusive Services.

Support will be allocated on an individual basis and will vary depending on your assessed SEND needs and any previous support that you may have had. During this conversation, if required, the staff member will work with you to develop a personalised support plan that will be shared with others on a need-to-know basis.

The majority of students with SEND will be able to access our courses, and have their needs met through the college’s universal support. A small number of students will benefit from additional targeted support.


Who can we support?

Our Inclusive Services team can support learners who have a range of SEND needs including EHCPs, such as:

• Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Specific Learning Difficulties including Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or Dyscalculia
• Medical conditions
• Social, Emotional & Mental health
• Moderate Learning Difficulties
• Mobility difficulties
• Sensory impairments including hearing and visual
• Speech, Language and Communication needs

From September 2014, every Local Authority is required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND); and also services outside of the area which they expect children and young people from their area will use. This is known as the ‘Local Offer’, and York City Council Local Offer can be



How do we identify or assess your SEND needs?

1 Referral process

You can self-refer for an assessment of your SEND needs at any stage: pre-application, on your application form and during your time at College using student Moodle, through your Course Manager or visit Inclusive Services.

Please click here to complete a referral form online or we can refer you via:

· EHCP consultation with the local Authority if you have one

· During course interview through completing the online SEND questionnaire

· At enrolment onto your course

· During induction

· During personal appraisals / 1:1 meetings throughout your studies.

2 Assessment of SEND support process

Once we receive your referral, we will be in touch with you to discuss whether or not an initial support assessment is required.

This is an informal meeting with one of the Inclusive Services team where we will ask you some questions about the things that you think you will need support with at college. We will also discuss your strengths and weakness when studying.

You are welcome to bring someone along to support you at your appointment with us and please do bring any specialist educational or medical reports that you feel would be helpful.

Support will be assessed on an individual basis and will vary depending on your assessed needs and Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) if you have one. Agreed support will be shared with others on a need to know basis as required.

3 Types of support available  (Below is an idea of the types of possible provision available):

Universal – ‘Quality First’ Teaching.

This is the level of support we offer to all students at the college, and will meet the majority of students’ needs. It comes in many forms, and can be adapted as necessary to meet a specific need.

• In-class differentiation and reasonable adjustments, such as smaller tasks, visual handouts.
• Risk assessments
• Adapted resources
• 1 – 1 Appraisals

Access to read and write software on College computers
• Referrals to and co-working with the college’s Student Services Well-being team

Targeted support

Students may be allocated targeted support in addition to that listed above – this can be throughout your course, or as a short-term intervention to deal with a specific concern or issue.

• Learning Mentor and structured interventions for specific concerns or SEND need, weekly, or as required
• Assistive technology
• Lunch time supervision
• Meet and greet
• Familiarisation of campus and rooms
• Taster & Transition sessions
• Exam access arrangements
• Personalised in-class support up to 1:1 ratio
• Personal care
• Multi-agency working including Education, Health and Social Care
• Adaptation/modification of learning materials into an accessible format such as Braille or large print
• Communication support
• Bespoke work experience job coach support


Access Arrangements

Further information on our access arrangements a can be found via this link.


If you would like to find out more information or speak to the team at Inclusive Services contact us on:



• York and Centres- 01904 772277

• Middlesbrough (Stewart Park) – 01642 327998


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