Online Safety -

Online Safety

Guide for Parents and Carers

Keeping our students and staff safe online is a vital part of safeguarding and in a world where technology and social media platforms are constantly changing, both recognising, responding and dealing with these online issues can be challenging.

We aim to educate our students in how to keep themselves safe online. Below you will find some resources that will provide you, as parents and carers of young people and adults, information advice and guidance on the risks facing young people in an online world, how to spot the signs of potential harm and what next steps you can take.

  • Think U Know

    A leading resource library which offers a wide range of resources and guides for parents covering relationship education and being safe online. Includes the link to report online child sexual exploitation, abuse and inappropriate communications. Run by the National Crime Agency’s CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) Education Team

    Think U Know
  • Internet Matters

    IM’s online portal gives information and guidance about online safety issues children might be exposed to when browsing the internet, they offer advice for safeguarding and tips for setting up appropriate controls and filters in the portal. The portal contains information for parents on the online issues of cyberbullying, inappropriate content, online pornography, online reputation, online grooming, sexting, self-harm and radicalisation.

    Internet Matters
  • Revenge Porn Helpline

    0345 6000 459: A UK service supporting adults (aged 18+) who are experiencing intimate image abuse, also known as, revenge porn. The Helpline was established in 2015 alongside the legislation which made it an offence to share intimate images or videos of someone, either on or offline, without their consent with the intention of causing distress.

    Revenge Porn Helpline
  • Crime Stoppers

    Information and advice on keeping safe online and personal safety – look at the ‘Keeping Safe’ tab. Sections on matters such as domestic abuse, hate crime, mobile phone safety, streaming online.

    Crime Stoppers
  • YGAM

    YGAM’s purpose is to inform, educate, safeguard young people against gaming and gambling harms. Their website includes a section for parents aimed at providing them with the knowledge to safeguard their families from the risks associated with online gaming and online gambling


Lucy Faithfull Foundation: Parents Protect Programme


The LFF is a UK wide charity dedicated solely to preventing child sexual abuse. The Foundation has produced a really useful guide to support parents of young people who have got into trouble online in a variety of ways and some general advice and guidance about staying safe online (as part of their ‘Parents protect’ programme.)

Parents Protect – Internet Safety (check out the Online Safety drop down menu for guidance on issues like social media and cyber-bullying)

Parents Protect – If your child gets into trouble online (where you can download a useful guide to next steps called ‘What’s the Problem?’)

Other Resources and Support Services for Children and Young People


Report online child sexual exploitation, abuse and inappropriate communications


0800 1111

A free and private confidential service where young people can talk to a trained counsellor about anything


Tel: 116 123

Listening and support to people and communities in times of need

Coram Voice

Tel: 0808 800 5792

Support and information for children and young people on the edge of care and care leavers

Shout 85258

Tel: Text SHOUT to 85258

A free, confidential 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope with emotional wellbeing


Online emotional wellbeing and support community, live chat, articles and discussion boards

The Mix

Tel: 0808 808 4994

Text: The Mix to 85258

Free and confidential support for under 25’s

If you have any concerns about online activity in which your child is involved, please do let us know at:

Read our online safety policy.

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