Student Life
Get involved with Student Life
Student experience is a big part of College life β the more you get involved, the more you will benefit from the personal and social aspects of being a student at University Centre Askham Bryan.
Student Activities
We offer a range of clubs and sporting/social activities through the Student Union and Sports Department. Activities currently offered include:
β’ Rugby union
β’ Mixed sports club
β’ Badminton club
β’ 5-aside football
β’ Swimming club
β’ Rock climbing
β’ Film society
β’ Charity and fundraising society
Free transport is also offered to enable students to access the wider attractions in and around York.

Student Representatives
The student body is a vital part of College life. We encourage all students to get involved with our offering whether taking part of the Student Union or by becoming a Student Representative.
Student Reps are elected at the beginning of each academic year to represent their course, acting on behalf of the students on individual courses. The types of things Student Reps would typically become involved in (although not exhaustive):
β’ Attending Course Team Meetings to raise issues on behalf of your student peers.
β’ Feed information back to your student peers.
β’ Attend Annual Course Review meetings (at Level 5 and 6 of your programme).
β’ Act as a direct link for members of staff including Senior Management and the Higher Education Office with your student peers.
β’ Attend a range of focus groups and meetings planned throughout the course of the year with Senior Management, Managers and other members of staff.
To support Student Reps in this role, we provide an initial briefing at the beginning of the year so that new students can learn more about the role. Once elected, we offer a successful training and induction programme to support you in the role.
Our commitment to developing the role of the student body was recognised as a strength in the review of our HE provision in February 2014 by the Quality Assurance Agency:
βThe extensive mechanisms to engage and respond to the student voice at all levelsβ (QAA Report, February 2014).
In addition to Course Team Representatives, we also encourage Team Reps to stand for election as a Lead Student Rep acting on behalf of the whole year group.