There is a residential grant available to assist you studying land-based courses with the accommodation costs if you meet the criteria:
Student Finance
Askham Bryan College will be as supportive as it can be to help you manage your finances in relation to your studies and associated subsistence costs. Applications for 2024-25 have now closed applications for 2025/26 will go live in April 2025
There are costs associated with studying and you will be advised of these during the application process and again prior to enrolment. The fees you will be charged will relate to government guidance on funding.
Students should feel confident that the College will provide open and transparent advice and guidance regarding scholarships, bursaries and hardship funds that you may be eligible to apply for. If in doubt, please ask.
These details are intended as an outline guide for UK and EU students planning to study on accredited Further Education or Work-Based Learning Courses. Assumptions have been made based on information available at the time of writing. You will be advised of any changes before you enrol.
For more detailed information please contact Student Support Services by calling 01904 772277 or by email.
Fees - Students Aged Under 19 on Further Education
Here you will find details of fees relating to Further Education Courses, please note your age is determined as that on 31 August of the year in which you intend to start your course.
Students Aged Under 19 (On Further Education programmes)
Normally tuition and registration are FREE unless studying the same qualification as previous eg, improving your grade.
Student aged 19 or over
Further EducationÂ
For further education students over 19, please see the Advanced Learner Loan (ALL) section in the next tab.
If you are a student over the age of 19 applying from a devolved area you may be subject to different course fees. To check if you are in a devolved area please check the Government website or the Local Government Association.
To find out more about if you are in a devolved postcode area and how it might affect you, please contact us at
Higher Education (UCAB)
For higher education undergraduate students, please refer to the Higher Education Fees and Finance pages.
The costs of your learning may be met by the Skills Funding Agency (SFA). Some of the costs of your learning may be met out of the European Social Fund.
It can be difficult to calculate what you might need to pay so please do contact us and we will provide all the help and advice we can.
Advanced Learner Loan
If you are thinking about studying a Level 3 to Level 5 further education course at Askham Bryan College, you may qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan.
These loans have been introduced by the Government to help you pay for your college tuition fees. From August 2016 most learners aged 19 and over studying at Level 3 and above will qualify.
• It’s easy to apply
• You can take out a loan to pay all your course fees or just part – it’s your choice
• Your household income isn’t taken into account and there’s no credit check
• The loan goes straight to the college to pay for your fees
• You will not pay anything back until your income is £25,000 or over (courses starting on or after 1 August 2023)
How do I Apply?
Please contact Student Records on 01904 772277 before you apply, and request a Learning and Funding Information Letter which will help you complete the application form.
When you have your Learning and Funding Information Letter, you can start your application by completing this application form or go to Student Finance EnglandÂ
Find Out More
To get the latest information visit the Advanced Learning Loans Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the website.
Additional Tuition Fees Information
You may not have to pay tuition fees depending on your personal circumstances and the course you are studying.
These circumstances can be earnings, benefits, previous qualifications and postcode. Please contact student records on 01904 772277 or email to check if this applies to you.
There will be an additional charge for secondary (additional) qualifications included on full time programmes. If none of the above applies, you will need to pay tuition fees.
Fees under £200 are to be paid in full before starting the course. Fees above £200 can be paid:
• In full before starting the course
• FE students are expected to pay a 25% deposit on their tuition fee at enrolment and set up a Direct Debit for no more than eight instalments being October to May and collected on the 12th of each month.
Please note, you may not be permitted to enrol if you have an outstanding debt with the College or you fail to pay the 25% deposit required. For paying Accommodation fees, please refer to the Accommodation page.
Students whose employers or a third party have agreed to pay their fees will be required to produce a letter/purchase order from their employer or agent at the time of enrolment confirming they will cover the cost of their course
Registration fees
All students who are 19 or over may need to pay their own registration fees, even if they are entitled to some fee remission. Registration fees vary according to the course you take and are charged by the body that awards your qualification (eg NPTC, BTEC etc). These fees are payable only once, before the start of your course. If you are aged 24 or over and on a Level 3 course, please contact us to check eligibility for funding, as funding is only available under certain circumstances.

Financial Help for Further Education Students
If you are studying a full-time further education course and your household income is below £32,000, you may be eligible for some financial support towards your course related costs. Please note, you cannot apply for the bursary if you are an apprentice or studying a Higher Education course.
There are limited funds available, so we recommend that you apply as early as possible to avoid disappointment. We may not be able to provide funding if you apply later in the year and the monies have already been distributed.
The online bursary application will be open in the spring 2024. To apply you will need your student ID number, bank details and copies of all the relevant income evidence requested, as without it we will be unable to assess your application.
For more information about the support available to you please see the guidance booklet below.
To apply for a bursary just click the following link to access the application form.
If you have any queries regarding the financial support available to you please email: Phone: 01904 772277
Additional Funding Available to Further Education Students:
• Learner is age 16+
• Learner is on a full-time level 2 or 3 land-based course
• You live more than 15 miles from the college or the journey on public transport takes more than 2 hours.
The grant is means tested on household income. To qualify for assistance the annual income has to be below £32,000. The maximum grant available is £3,804.00. Please note the bursary doesn’t cover the full cost of the accommodation and therefore you are required to pay the balance.
The closing date for residential bursaries is 31st July each year, applications received after the closing date are not guaranteed to be assessed in time for the start of the academic year.
There is a discretionary bursary available to students to assist them with their course related costs such as books, equipment, uniform, transport and trips.
The bursary is means tested on household income and is also dependant on your course related costs. For further information please see the guidance notes. To apply please click on the link at the top of this page.
Students aged between 16-18 who meet a very specific criteria may be eligible to claim up to £1200 to support them with their course related costs and expenses. Please see the guidance with regards to whether or not you are entitled to the Vulnerable Learner bursary. The defined vulnerable groups are students who are:
- In care – The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund defines ‘in care’ as ‘Children looked after by a local authority on a voluntary basis (section 20 of the Children Act 1989) or under a care order (section 31 of the Children Act 1989) – Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 defines the term ‘looked after child’.’
- Care leavers – A ‘care leaver’ is defined as:
-A young person aged 16 and 17 who was previously looked after for a period of 13 weeks consecutively (or periods amounting to 13 weeks), which began after the age of 14 and ended after the age of 16; or
-A young person aged 18 or above who was looked after prior to becoming 18 for a period of 13 weeks consecutively (or periods amounting to 13 weeks), which began after the age of 14 and ended after the age of 16
-Students receiving Income Support, or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them such as a child or partner
-A student who is receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right
Additional funding continued...
If you are aged between 16-18 and meet the criteria set by the government, you may be entitled to free meals whist at college, you must apply for the college bursary and you will be assessed for the free meal entitlement at the same time.
Students who are eligible will receive a daily allowance of £3.50 to spend within the college catering outlets.
Student ‘s who are aged 19+, studying a level 3 course and in receipt of the Advanced Learner Loan may be entitled to a bursary to support them with their other course related costs.
The bursary is means tested on your household income and evidence must be provided to support the application. You can apply for this via the bursary link.
There is funding available to support further education students with dependants towards their childcare costs whilst they are in college. There are different support packages depending on the age of the student.
Students aged between 16-18 at the start of the academic year can apply for support via Care to Learn, please follow the link for further information Care to Learn – GOV.UK (
For students on a further education course aged 20+, there is support available through the college. The college can support students by paying up to 85% towards childcare costs for more information please email:
The Yorkshire Agricultural Adventurers Scholarship is awarded annually to a student who is studying or intends to study at Askham Bryan College
Find out more on how you qualify and how to apply through the Yorkshire Agricultural Adventurers Website – more details about the scholarship can be found.
Who can apply for the bursary and what is it for?
Students who are studying on further education courses can apply for financial support to assist them with their course related costs. The bursary is means tested on household income so not everyone is
eligible. You can find further information on -
How can I apply for financial support?
You can apply for financial support via the following link: Bursary Application Form. The process is straight forward, you will need to make sure that you have your bank details and supporting evidence ready to upload, it is really important that you complete the full application as failure to do so can result in delays in processing your application. Please ensure you use a current email address or mobile number. If you experience difficulties please contact
I am not sure if I qualify for financial support or not?
If you are not sure whether you meet the criteria, check the information in the financial support booklet it goes into detail about the eligibility, if you are still not sure then send an email to outlining your circumstances and they will be able advise you.
What evidence do I need to provide to support my application?
The financial support is means tested on your household income, your individual circumstances and your course related costs. When you are completing your application, it will highlight what evidence is required. The financial support booklet highlights in detail what is required (see previous section). It is really important that you provide all the pages of the documents requested, if you are sending screen shots of documents you must ensure you take photos of the full document (all pages) and that the name and address is clearly visible on any letter evidence provided. Please note we cannot accept bank statements as evidence.
I am having problems uploading my evidence onto the online platform?
If you are struggling to upload all the information do not worry. Complete your application and then send it to we will be able to upload it for you, it is important to put the student name and ID number on the email so we know who the evidence belongs to.
I have applied for a bursary but have not heard anything back?
The college receives a high volume of applications particularly before the start of the academic year, we say to allow us to 28 days to process your application so will be in touch once your application has been assessed. If you experience difficulties please contact
What are my course related costs?
There are different costs associated with coming to college, the main ones being your accommodation if you are residential, transport to and from college, food whilst at college, there are also costs associated with specific courses. You can visit our online store to find out further information Askham Bryan College Online Store (